Ultimate Business Solutions
Ultimate Business Solutions


Our talented and experienced team delivers amazing bookkeeping services.

We like to provide more than ‘just’ a BAS or payroll solution for you. Any bookkeeper can do that.

We deliver many bookkeeping ‘tasks’ to our client, what makes us different is that we really do provide a bookkeeping service. This includes how well and how timely we can deliver that task to you.

Our level of service is everything to us – accurate and on time, every time. Our level of communication with our clients is a regular compliment we receive.

As part of our Quality Assurance system we have an internal Standards of Service Policy which all team members adhere to. This ensures our clients receive the most accurate data, at the earliest possible date.

Leverage our extensive expertise in

bookkeeping and client management


We are registered BAS services providers. Our internal Standards of Service Policy ensures that clients have their draft BAS 2 weeks before it is due. This ensures that our clients have time to review the data in full and also plan in terms of cashflow for payment.

Every time a BAS is done a full review of the file is done and GST reconciliation is done. Do you ever have a year end adjustment by your accountant for GST where more is payable? This is not only inconvenient for cash flow it also means that you have been relying on inaccurate profit and loss reports.


When we start working together, we will discuss various reporting options available and agree on a deadline for these reports. The reports are accurate and informative and will help you make informed business decisions.

If you are having a regular monthly meeting with your accountant, business coach or CFO we can agree on a monthly deadline so that all reporting is done before your meeting, making that meeting much more productive for everyone.

Payroll Tax

One of the tightest deadlines in the bookkeeping world. We are experienced with payroll tax in all states of Australia and the various rules that apply to each state. Done by 5th of the month.


This is a monthly lodgement obligation where clients need to lodge and pay any tax withhold on payroll, due with the ATO by 21st of each month. Our QA system stipulates we have this draft to our clients by the 5th of the month.


One area that the ATO shows no mercy! Superannuation is due INTO your staff superannuation accounts at least quarterly.

We give you plenty of notice (and reminders) to pay this superannuation. Using the Xero superannuation clearing house streamlines this process and makes it easy for you.

Bank Reconciliations

Done as often as you need and agreed upon at commencement of work. Many clients need their bank reconciliations done daily so they can be right on top of their data and information at all times. We have the systems and the capacity to update your file as often as you need.

Answers to your questions

My financials are a mess… can you clean up years of mistakes?

Yes we can go back many years if necessary and get your accounts up to date and BAS lodgements up to date.Once up to date we will ensure you don’t have that problem again by ensuring we maintain your file on a regular basis.

My accountant offers bookkeeping, should I have a separate bookkeeper to my accountant?

We think separation in this case is a good thing.  We will work closely with your accountant so that you get the best of both worlds!  We will take care of the day to day transactional processing and ensure the file is up to date and accurate.  Your accountant will then rely on this accurate data to provide you with business advice.

Outsource it all.

Reclaim your time.

Get back to business.


(02) 9545 1111


9AM - 5PM


Suite A1, 674-678 Old Princes Highway, Sutherland NSW 2232

© 2021 Ultimate Business Solutions. All rights reserved